Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The little things

Millie was amazed by the loop on her play gym!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Newborn Pictures

Pictures from the day after Millie was born

Monday, June 17, 2013

39 Week Appointment

Despite the fact that I've been having more painful contractions over the last week or so, I'm just barely over a centimeter dilated... Not what I was hoping to hear!  The dr stripped my membranes, so there is a chance that could speed things along, but for now, we'll just continue to wait!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

38 Week Appointment

We had our appointment on Thursday this week because Dr. Billharz won't be there tomorrow and I didn't want to see anything else.  No progress this week, but he explained that I'm so thinned out that labor should hopefully be quick once it does start.  I hope he's right!
Next week he's gone on Friday again and booked on Thursday, so we have to wait until Monday the 17th for our next appointment!

Friday, May 31, 2013

37 Week Appointment

Group B Strep test was negative!  The doctor checked me again and I'm to 1 cm, so a little bit of progress.  He said she's still really low and that she has dropped as much as she will before delivery.  He said that once I go into labor, he doesn't think I'll have trouble dilating because of that. Everything else is still looking good!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

36 Week Appointment

I got tested for Group B Strep and will get those results next week.  If I have it, I'll have to get antibiotics when I'm in labor.
The doctor also checked my cervix for the first time and said he could feel the baby's head really low!  He said I wasn't quite 1 cm dilated, but things are at least starting to progress!
Everything else still looks good.  We start going every week now until the baby is here!

Monday, May 13, 2013

34 Week Appointment

Another quick appointment today. The doctor said everything still looks great! He also explained that 34 weeks is a pretty important milestone, which I didn't realize. He said if I had gone into preterm labor before now, they would have taken steps to try to keep the baby in as long as possible and used steroids to help her lungs develop quickly. Now if I were to go into labor, it's better for the baby to go ahead and be born than try to keep her in when my body would be trying to deliver her.  He also said that the nursery at Liberty Hospital is level 2 which means they'll keep babies 34 weeks and beyond, otherwise they have to send them somewhere else.
So while we definitely want this baby to stay in a while longer, it was very reassuring to hear those things!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

32 Week Appointment

Everything still looks great!  My numbers for GD were great and I'm measuring right on track.
I start going every two weeks now and we'll be scheduling our pre-admission appointment and hospital tour!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

28 Week Appointment

My last appointment was on Friday and I had to have my blood drawn to test for gestational diabetes.  I haven't heard anything yet, and they said no news is good news, so it looks like I'm ok there!  I also had to get the Rhogam shot.  I'll probably have to get at least one more of these before I deliver, unless she comes early, and I'll need another one after she's born, unless she is also A Negative.  If I get pregnant again, these shots will help to protect the next baby in case it has a positive blood type so that my body won't see it as foreign and attack it, causing a miscarriage.
Everything else looked good at the appointment.  My next one is at the end of April and then I start going every two weeks.  For the last 4 weeks, I'll go every week until she arrives!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Crazy Feeling

Jay usually tries to feel the baby move at night, and that's when she's most active.  Lately she's been really low, so a couple nights ago I put his hand a few inches below my belly button where I was feeling her.  When she moved, it would tickle and kind of make me jump.  I don't know if my skin is thinner or there's less fat protecting me down there or what, but it was way more sensitive!
So last night, she was moving down low again and I had my hand on my belly.  I felt her move a couple times, just small movements.  Then all of a sudden, I felt a protrusion - it felt like a ball pushing out of my belly.  I'm sure it was her hand or foot and she pushed right against my hand. It was so strange and tickled so much that I about jumped out of the bed!  

Monday, March 4, 2013

24 Week Appointment

We had our 24 week appointment on Friday, March 1st.  It was pretty uneventful.  We got to hear her heartbeat again and the doctor measured my belly for the first time, which is right on track.  They gave me the juice I have to drink before my next appointment so I can be tested for gestational diabetes, and I'll also get my Rhogam shot at that appointment (because I have a negative blood type).

Jay has been working hard to get the basement done so we can move the office furniture down there and finally get the nursery set up!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Level 2 Ultrasound

We decided to go to the perinatologist and that appointment was this morning.  Everything went well.  The tech took all the measurements again and said everything looks great.  She said that it is possible for a baby to have only one marker and still have Down's Syndrome, but it would be very unlikely that it would be this one.  The doctor said that based on my age and other factors, there is a .1% chance that our baby would have Down's Syndrome, and he said that number does not go up because of this spot on her heart.  So everything was extremely positive!  It was nice to be able to see her again!

Looks like she has Jay's cute round nose  :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Baby Clothes!!

I saw a girl was selling a bunch of baby girl clothes on the Kearney Swap Shop page on Facebook.  So I picked out a bunch of stuff and bought it from her today for $125.  I just added it up, and if I bought this stuff new it would have been at least $375!

Some of it looks brand new, and some of it looks a little worn, but it's not too bad for stuff that going to be spit up and pooped on!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

It's A Girl!

Jen pulled the ruby slippers out of a bag to reveal to her and our parents that it's a girl!!

Our Little GIRL!!

The ultrasound went really well.  She's measuring just a couple days ahead, but the doctor said he would keep my due date where it is.
The only concern was that there is a bright spot on her heart which can be a soft marker for Down's Syndrome.  However, the tech said it wasn't really a big deal, and that's basically what the doctor told us as well.  She has no other signs of having DS, and with only one marker, the chances are extremely slim.  
I did a little bit of research, and saw that there are lots and lots of babies who have this spot and turn out just fine. I actually didn't read about even one who had just this one marker and ended up with Down's Syndrome.  We are supposed to go for a level 2 ultrasound with a specialist, but we might opt out since we don't feel that it's a very big deal.

It was so cool getting to see her!  Toward the end, she started moving a lot and I could feel it while I was watching her.  That was awesome!  She even waved her little hand for us once  :)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Big Movement!

Last night I felt the baby kick from the outside for the first time!  It's been spending a lot of time on my left side so I guess I naturally had my hand on that side.  It was such a cool feeling!  I told Jay right away to put his hand there just in case.  We tried for a long time, but I guess that big kick wore the baby out and it went to sleep  :)
I love feeling it moving around in there!  And I can't wait until tomorrow so we know what it is and can start referring to it as he or she!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Our little nugget at 8 weeks 2 days! (11/12/12)